Organizers: Sandrine Berges (Bilkent) & Alan Coffee (KCL)
Host department: Bilkent, Philosophy Location: Bilkent University, Main Campus, Room A-130
1-2 June 2017 Bilkent University (Room A130); 3-4 June 2017 Cappadocia.
Mary Wollstonecraft worked primarily on social and political philosophy, with an emphasis on republicanism, education and women’s rights. But she also touched on other topics: slavery, aesthetics, marriage, work, family, masculinity, virtue, reason, passions, theology and epistemology.
The driving motivation for this workshop is not primarily to develop Wollstonecraft scholarship, but to show how the issues she discussed are still philosophically relevant and that her arguments sometimes can cast light on contemporary problems. A second aim is to show that the study of women philosophers of the past is a highly productive part of academic philosophy, and to model how it may be done.
Thursday 1 June
10:00 Welcome: Wollstonecraft in the world Sandrine Bergès (Bilkent).
10:40-11:30 Patrick Fessenbecker (Bilkent) “What do you have to do to get read philosophically? On Wollstonecraft and philosophical readings of the history of philosophy.”
Respondent Zacharus Gudmunsen.
Chair: Banu Helvacioğlu
11:40-12:30 Alan Coffee (KCL) “Wollstonecraft’s Idea of Independence as Relational Social Freedom”
Respondent: Bill Wringe
Chair: Rina Tzinmann
13:40-14:30: Laura Brace (Leicester) “The Unhappy Marriage of Gender and Slavery: Wives as Slaves, Wives and Slaves”
Respondent: Gizem Kavas
Chair: Istvan Aranyosi
14:40-15:30 Roberta Wedge “Mary the life, Wollstonecraft the legacy. Engaging with undergrads online and neighbourhood groups on the ground.”
Chair: Tuğba Sevinç
15:40-16:30 Zübeyde Karadağ Thorpe (Hacettepe)”Turkish Women from Late Ottoman Empire to Early Turkish Republic”
Respondent: Saniye Vantansever
Chair: Ayşe Çellikol
16:40-18:30 Keynote: Sarah Hutton (York) Becoming a feminist philosopher: Mary Wollstonecraft and the history of philosophy’.
Chair: Alan Coffee
Friday 2 June
10:40- 11:30 Özlem Duva (Dokuz Eylül) Rethinking Hegemonic Masculinity with Mary Wollstonecraft”
Respondent: Sena Yalçın
Chair: David Butcher
11:40- 12:30 Burcu Gürkan (Independent scholars) Swimsuits and Chocolate Chip Cookies: Women’s Bodies, Self-Knowledge, and Moments of Erasure.
Respondent: Mustafa Yıldız
Chair: Will Day
13:40-14:30 Saniye Vatansever (Işık and Yediteipe) and Bensu Arican (Bilkent) : Presentation of SWIP-TR
14:40-15:30 Lucas Thorpe (Boğazici): “Is virtue relative? A problem with Wollstonecraft’s argument against ‘sexual virtues’.”
Respondent: Sandrine Berges
Chair: Heather Yeung
15:40-16:30 Gözde Yıldırım (Boğaziçi) Is Wollstonecraft’s Republican Freedom from Domination Justified? – A Kantian Answer.
Respondent: David M. Kovacs
Chair:Tuğba Sevinç
16:40 – 18:30 Keynote: Hatice Nur Erkızan (Muğla) The Psychology of Capabilities: A journey from Wollstonecraft to Nussbaum.
Chair: Sandrine Berges.
Saturday 3 June
19:30 – 21:00 : debate on Republicanism and the Family at the Holiday Cave Hotel in Göreme, Cappadocia.